Fall Planting: Your Guide to a Bountiful Autumn Garden

Fall Planting: Your Guide to a Bountiful Autumn Garden

Fall is a fantastic time to garden. The cooler temperatures and moist soil create perfect conditions for growing a variety of crops. At Tilth Soil, we believe in making the most of every season, and fall is no exception. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or new to the game, this guide will help you navigate fall planting, from starting seeds to knowing what crops to plant (pssst... there are flowers to grow now too!).

Starting Seeds: Direct Sowing vs. Indoor Sprouting

You're always going to want to check your seed packet for the best seeding method for that crop. If you got your seeds from a local seeds swap and do not have the original packet or information, no worries! You can always look up your crop online and see what is recommended for seeding.

Direct Sowing:

Direct sowing involves planting seeds directly into your garden soil. Here’s how to get started:

  • Prepare the Soil: Ensure your soil is well-prepared and enriched with organic matter. Our organic garden soil mix, Grow, is perfect for this.
  • Sow the Seeds: Follow the depth and spacing recommendations on your seed packets.
  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist until the seeds germinate.
  • Thinning: Once seedlings are a few inches tall, thin them out to ensure each plant has enough space to grow.

Indoor Sprouting: 

Indoor sprouting helps the more delicate starts to germinate. Here’s how to do it:

  • Prepare Trays: Fill seed trays with a quality seed-starting mix, like our organic potting and seed starting mix Sprout. You can either fill your soil tray cells or make soil blocks.
  • Plant Seeds: Sow seeds according to the seed packet instructions. Lightly cover them with soil and water gently.
  • Provide Light: Place trays in a sunny window or under grow lights.
  • Transplanting: Once seedlings have several true leaves and the outdoor conditions are favorable, transplant them into your garden.

What Crops to Plant in Fall

Fall is an excellent time to plant a variety of cool-season crops. Here are a few to check out and get growing:

  • Leafy Greens (Spinach, Lettuce, Kale):
    • When to Plant: Late summer to early fall.
    • Harvest: 4-8 weeks after planting.
    • Tips: These greens thrive in cooler weather and can be harvested multiple times if picked regularly.
  • Root Vegetables (Carrots, Radishes, Beets):
    • When to Plant: Late summer to early fall.
    • Harvest: Carrots and beets take about 10-12 weeks; radishes are ready in 4-6 weeks.
    • Tips: Ensure the soil is loose and well-drained for optimal root development.
  • Brassicas (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage):
    • When to Plant: Start seeds indoors in mid-summer and transplant in early fall.
    • Harvest: 10-12 weeks after transplanting.
    • Tips: These crops can withstand light frosts, which can even improve their flavor.
  • Legumes (Peas, Fava Beans):
    • When to Plant: Early to mid-fall.
    • Harvest: 8-10 weeks after planting.
    • Tips: Plant these directly in the garden; they benefit from cooler temperatures and can fix nitrogen in the soil.
  • Alliums (Garlic, Onions):
    • When to Plant: Plant garlic in late fall for a summer harvest. Onions can be planted in the fall for an early spring harvest.
    • Harvest: Garlic is ready the following summer; onions will be ready in early spring.
    • Tips: These crops require a cold period to develop properly.

Timing Your Harvest

Understanding when to expect your harvest can help you plan your garden more effectively. Most cool-season crops planted in the fall will be ready for harvest within 4-12 weeks, depending on the crop. Here’s a quick reference guide:

  • Radishes: 4-6 weeks
  • Leafy Greens (Spinach, Lettuce, Kale): 4-8 weeks
  • Peas: 8-10 weeks
  • Carrots: 10-12 weeks
  • Broccoli and Cauliflower: 10-12 weeks
  • Garlic: 9 months (planted in fall, harvested in summer)
  • Onions: 6-8 months (planted in fall, harvested in spring)

Fall planting is a rewarding way to extend your gardening season and enjoy fresh produce even as the days get shorter. By choosing the right crops and understanding the best methods for starting seeds, you can ensure a bountiful autumn harvest. We are here to support your gardening journey with high-quality organic soil and experienced guidance. Get started today and enjoy the benefits of a thriving fall garden!

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